
In a world plagued with negative affairs like pollution, and hate, we come to you with "JOUX". "Sa'Joux" is french slang for "what's good?", and so we chose this name because we're committed to bringing what's good to the people. We've always been commmitted to spreading good vibes everywhere we go, and we believe that through creativity, inspiration, and freedom of thought, we can all learn to live for positivity and love. We hope that with this mindset we can help do our part to help reduce industrial pollution. That's why you can rest assured knowing that 10% of all of our proceeds go directly to the Sea Save Foundation. We would be truly honored to have you join in our vision and help us to change the world through art, and love.
"Sea Save Foundation stands witness to the health of the oceans and the threats they face, we document problems and develop solutions, arm people with knowledge, and tools so they can make a difference. With the public as our ally, we go to the United Nations and other global bodies to effect international change. We attend these meetings so we can offer creative, economically viable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly plans to decision-makers. We also make sure everyone is doing their best to meet their targets."
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